Sunday 27 September 2009

Poster Design Brief

After researching posters for black comedies I now know what I am going to do for mine.
The title will be in big writing across the top, with the tagline underneath it in smaller font. All the text will be over the picture which will take up the whole page. There will be the credits at the bottom of the poster in small font as that is the conventional way.
The picture will be of a miserable looking man with his arms crossed and a noose hanging round his neck. Behind him there will be buildings and a tree. The sky will be cloudy to represent the gloomy subject. The character on the poster will be wearing mostly black to represent his moodiness. The character will be looking at the camera because on posters the characters often look at the camera.

I haven’t followed the conventions of a black comedy poster completely. For example, I don’t have a very funny tagline. I didn’t want a humorous tagline because I decided to challenge this convention and be creative. Also I feel that my film deals with quite a serious issue.

Review Page Design Brief

After researching film review pages in magazines, I now know what I am going to do for mine. It will be done in Microsoft Publisher.

I am going to do a double page review. The left page will consist of the review itself, the cast and crew of the film and the title. The review will be written in three collumns as I feel that that is adequate space for a full film review. Also in the competitor magazines, they use three collumns most of the time. The main text will have a number of quotes from the text in big font in amongst the text. It will be seperated from the main text by red horizontal lines.

The right page will consist of a photographic still taken from the film and a caption underneath it. There will also be a box at the bootom of the page containing interesting facts about the film.

At the bottom of both pages, there will be page numbers and the magazine name and website.