Saturday 28 November 2009

Editing Part Two

For this part of the film, I mainly used straight cuts. However I used a couple of fades. I used a fade to show thet time had passed within the scene. I had the main actor walk towards a tree with a rope in his hands. Then there was a fade and the main actor was sitting in the tree with the rope around his neck and the tree. I did this to save time and also to make the film more interesting. If the audience were watching someone set up the rope, it would be very boring and time consuming. I feel the way I did it as the best way to do it. I also used a fade at the end of the scene so that I can add the next scene onto it.

Saturday 21 November 2009

Shooting Part Two

I have just finished shooting the second part of my film. I had no problems but I think I will reshoot some of it because I think another shot would be suitable rather than one I have used. Also, the tripod made too much noise when I was panning the camera to the left. It made a creaking noise.

Filming was not interrupted at all. It was delayed at one point because my lead Actor couldn't get up the tree in order to get one of the shots.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Editing Part One

I have just finished editing the first part of my film using "Pinnacle". It is very easy and Straight forward to do at the moment. However, I think it will get harder as I progress because I have to do different things, such as add transitions and music.