Monday 14 December 2009

The Message

The message of my film is moral. The message is to not treat people badly as what goes around comes around. Another message is not to take life for granted. There are many messages. It depends on how the audience interprets it. This is usually the same with all films.

The tagline to my film was "To Live is to Suffer, but to Survive is to find meaning in the suffering". This goes well with the film. The main character is suffering in his life, so consequently he tries to end his life. He then saves a boys life and the boy shows him gratitude. The main character then feels good about this (he has found meaning in the suffering). He feels accepted in life.

Friday 11 December 2009


One of the main effects in my film is the stabbing scene at the end of the film. Fake blood was used to produce this effect. It looked a lot more real than I thought it would.
Another effect in my film is the near miss with the car. Maxine Eldret was driving the car which earned her a `Thank You` credit.


The lighting in my film is that of a natural, average winter day. There weren’t many resources available that we could have professional lighting. I wanted natural lighting for my film so that there is as much realism as possible.


The mise-en-scene in my film is gloomy and dull. This is to represent the loneliness and misery of the main character. The main character wears dark clothing to represent his mood. The weather is gloomy like his mood. The car park at the beginning of the film is empty which represents the emptiness of the main character’s life. These are just some examples of mise-en-scene in my film.

Thursday 10 December 2009


After months of searching for the right music, I have finally found the music most suitabl efor my film. There are two tracks that will be used. One will be used at the beginning and one at the end. Both tracks are by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis and they are actually from the film: "The Assassination of Jesse James By the Coward Robert Ford". The tracks are called: "What Must Be Done" and "The Legend Of Jesse James". The former will be used at the beginning of the film and the latter will be used at the end of the film.
Beginning of Film.

End of Film.
End of Film.

Saturday 5 December 2009


While reshooting the first scene I took a lot more care in making sure the actors stood in the perfect positions so that the continuity wouldn't be such an issue. I used all the same shot types. The filming of that scene didn't take very long.
I then filmed the second scene. I didn't use the tripod for any panning shots, however I did for still shots. I think the handheld effect works out to be more effective as it makes the audience feel they are following the subject.

For editing, I did exactly what I did before and replaced the old footage. There are still minor continuity issues, but that is expected. It is very rare that a film has perfect continuity. Also the handheld effect worked well, I feel, after seeing it on the screen.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Editing Part Three

The editing for this scene didn't take very long at all. There were no problems at all. The finished scene was just how I wanted.
However, I realised that the continuity in the first scene wasn't that good and the tripod in the second scene had made a lot of noise and you could here it on the film. Therefore I need to reshoot these scenes in their entirety.