Friday 17 July 2009

Poster Research

In Bruges
Incongruous Juxtaposition is used in this poster. It is to show the contrast between the tourist and the violence aspect of the film. There is a swan, a postcard rack and medieval buildings in the background and the main character is holding an ice cream which shows the tourist aspect of the film. Two of the characters on the poster are holding guns showing the violence aspect of the film.
The poster also shows what time of year it is in the film. We can tell from the clouds, the clothes and the way Colin Farrell is standing. He has his arms crossed and his collar up connotating that it is winter. All of the characters are wearing coats also.
The title of the film is quite large so that people straight away know what the film is called. The tag line is just above the title which is very common in film posters. The tag line also suggests that there is a tourist and a violent aspect to the film: shooting is violent and tourists sightsee. The three main characters names are on the poster so that people know what the actors' names are.
Finally in very small font at the bottom of the poster the rest of the main crew are shown, e.g. the director, the producer, etc. The production companies are also shown at the bottom.

This poster has a homely feel to it because of the tapestry effect. However there is a picture of a dead person and a overturned car. The title of the film is quite large so that people know the name of the film. The tag line is under the title. The filmmakers names are above the title instead of the actors names because more people would know the filmmakers names than the actors names as they are more accomplished. The audience of `Fargo` are also more likely to watch it because of the Coen Brothers rather than the actors.

Fight Club
This poster shows the two main characters and their names in big font. They are accomplished actors. The title of the film is in big font at the top of the poster. The title is on a bar of soap because soap is a big part of the film. The tag line is under the title. The dark colours of the poster suggest that it is a dark film.

Grosse Point Blank
This poster has the two main characters on it. One of whom is holding a gun and wearing all black. The tag line mentions a hitman so you straight away know that the man with the gun is the hitman. The poster is quite a colourful one showing that it won't be a dark film. There is a body outline in the corner suggesting that there will be death in the film. The expressions on the characters faces shows that the film is a comedy along with the bright colours.

You can tell that these films are comedies from their tag lines. They are all rather humorous. Most black comedy posters use incongruous juxtaposition because the link between the two opposite things is funny.

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