Thursday 23 July 2009

Survey Questions

(please complete this survey in black ink)

1. Are you: Male Female

2. What age category do you fall into?

18 – 25

26 – 32

33 – 40


3. What is your favourite Black Comedy?

4. What do you like a black comedy to deal with? (tick all that apply)
Death Drugs Terrorism Rape War Sex Race

Insanity Depression Other (please specify)………………………

5. How many key characters would you like a black comedy to have?
1 2 3 4 5 6

6. What sort of place would you like the film to be set?
Isolated (e.g. in the lonely countryside) Busy (e.g. in a town centre)

7. Would you prefer the film to be character lead or story lead?
Character lead Story lead

8. How much swearing would you like there to be in the film?
None Some Lots

9. Do you want the main character(s) to treat people badly?
Yes No

10. Someone is going to die in this film. How would you like the death to be?
Comical Sad Dramatic Sudden

Other (please specify)……………………………………….

11. Should the main character have any friends?
Yes No

12. Would you like there to be a moral or political message?
Moral Political Neither

13. Would you like there to be a love interest?
Yes No

14. What sort of music would you like there to be?
Slow Fast Violent

Other (please specify)…………………………..

15. Would you prefer established actors or newcomers in the film?
Established Newcomers

16. Would you prefer older or younger actors in the film?
Older Younger

17. Would you like the film to be location centric, character centric or story centric?
Location Centric Character Centric Story Centric

18. The main character is going to save someone’s life in this film. What should he save them from?
A Stabbing Drowning Falling from a high distance Medical Condition (e.g. a heart transplant)
Other (please specify)……………………………………………….

19. Should the person who is saved be male or female?
Male Female

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