Saturday 24 October 2009

Shooting Part One

I have just shot the first part of my film. It went according to plan. I got all of the shots I needed. My actors did everything I told them to do.

It was hard to get certain shots due to the public interfering and getting in the shot just because they were wondering what we were doing.

I recorded each shot three or more times just in case something was wrong with one of them (e.g. if the tape gets scratched).

Friday 16 October 2009

Cast Change

My Cast:
Alex Varney
Stephen Shaw
Nick Craske

I chose Alex Varney to play the main character in my film because he is the only actor I know that can convey emotion in such a way that will connect with an audience. I had other actors in mind if Alex Varney couldn't play the character but Alex Varney was my first choice.

I chose Stephen Shaw for the role because he is good at playing serious and emotional characters.
However just as we were arranging to shoot the first part of my film Stephen Shaw decided that he didn't want to do the film after saying weeks before that he would. I have found a replacement for Stephen and the replacement should be better. Stephen Shaw's replacement is Harry Ebsworth. Harry Ebsworth will be better because he is a much funnier individual, and seeing as my film is a comedy, I feel that it is appropriate. Stephen Shaw on the other hand isn't very funny at all. I feel that Harry Ebsworth will be able to reveal a funny side to such a serious, disturbed character.

I chose Nick Craske for the role of the young boy because I've seen him in stage productions that required him to act naive and pathetic and he was very good at it. It is a small role in my film but it is an important one. He was my first and only choice for this role.

My New Cast:
Alex Varney
Harry Ebsworth
Nick Craske

Tuesday 6 October 2009


My cast is going to be:
Alex Varney
Stephen Shaw
Nick Craske

Sunday 4 October 2009

Creating Poster

The credits at the bottom of most posters. The font used is "Bee One". The computers used for creating the posters do not have this font so I have used a standard font.


This is the photograph I took for my film poster. I was satisfied by everything about the photograph apart from the face of the facial expression of the main character, so I took the photograph again. The only good thing about the new photograph was the facial expression of the main character. So, what I did was take the head from the new photograph and place it onto the head of the old one using Adobe Photoshop. It didn't look legit right away but after I adjusted some of the settings it looked just fine. Below is the photograph with the new head.

Thursday 1 October 2009


I have done all of my blocking. I will be filming in South Woodham Ferrers Town Centre, Bushy Hill (a.k.a Radar Hill) and South Woodham Ferrers Industrial Estate. There is nothing stopping me from getting the shots I need so everything should be fine.

I'll be filming in the town centre early in the morning so that there aren't a lot of people around. When there are a lot of people, they tend to interrupt and thwart our efforts at getting the film completed.
I'll be filming up bushy hill at about midday as that is when the lighting will be best to film. This is important so that the audience can see clearly what is happening on screen.
I'll be filming at the industrial estate on a sunday at about 2pm. On a sunday there tends to be no one working so we won't be interrupted and the road will be clear for us. I'm filming at 2pm just so that the lighting is just right. It should work out that the lighting in my film is just like that in a normal day. We filmed the first scene in the early hours of the morning, the second at midday and the third just after midday, so the lighting should be perfect.